Hi, I’m Ren.

Renfys is a mix of Ren and Enfys – the Welsh word for rainbow.

A Little About Me

My name is Ren (they/them), I’m 40, a non-binary parent, artist, writer and semi-professional queer. Not always in that order.

I have two kids – Flower and Beany. They are 7 and 3. My wife is from New Jersey.

Based in rural west Wales, it might not seem like there is a lot to write about, but my county -Ceredigion – is the non-binary capital of the UK and Aberystwyth is the LGBTQ capital of Wales.

I also run my own creative business – Queer Little Shop, and I am trying to start a social enterprise for queer people in my town. I post about family life on my Queer Little Family Instagram.

The stack is going to be about everything I am: A parent, a trans person, Wenglish, a writer, an artist, a small shop owner, a person with depression and anxiety, a trauma sufferer, a poet and a part-time insomniac.

Find me on:

Instagram – Threads – Mastodon – Behance  – BlueskyX